Rezensionen »This recording is an absolute reference for this genre, truly valuable from all points of view.« Falstaff (Italy) »The singing and playing are thoroughly enjoyable. The program is a sampling of all the types of secular texts that the composer set, though the notes point to the connection of one or more to the 1572 celebration of the great victory at Lepanto over the Turks. The notes are excellent. Highly recommended« Fanfare »This is a recording which plugs a gaping hole in our knowledge of the Italian madrigal with music of fabulous richness. Together with their recent recording of music by Thomas Tomkins this new release marks a real maturing of I Fagiolinis talent. Its also a good day for Andrea Gabrieli – frankly, no one ever suspected his secular stuff was anywhere near this good. This is quite simply one of the most enthralling madrigal antholgies on the market.« International Record Review »Anyone who is smitten with the muscial traditions of this most fascinating of all cities, should not hesitate to buy this record.« Gramophon« Disc 11 Del gran Tuonante la sorella e moglie2 Sassi, palae, sabbion, del Adrian lio3 Felici dAdria e dilettose rive4 Ivo piangendo i miei pasati tempi5 Asia felice hor ben posso chiamarmi6 O beltà rara, o santi modi adorni7 Lauro soave, vita di mia vita8 O passi sparsi, o pensier vaghi e pronti9 Amami, vita mia, chio tamo anchora10 Lasso, Amor mi trasporta ovio non voglio11 Amami, vita mia, chio tamo anchora12 Caro dolce ben mio, perche fuggire13 Hor cha noi torna la stasgio novella14 Sento, sent un rumor chal cel si estolle15 Voi non volete, donna16 Io m isento morire17 Canzon I "La Spriritata"18 Mirami, vita mio, miramun poco19 Mentrio vi miro, vorrei pur sapere20 Chinde darà la bose al solfizar21 Ancor che col partire22 Fuor fuori a sì bel canto23 Sacri di Giove augei sacre Fenici24 Dunque il comun poter25 Sacri di Giove augei sacre Fenici
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